“ Special Crop Science Lab ”


Leaf-specific pathogenesis-related 10 homolog, PgPR-10.3, shows in silico binding affinity with several biologically important molecules.

페이지 정보

Authors. Han JH, Lee JH, Lee OR. (2015).Journal. Journal of Ginseng Research. 39(4): 406-413.



Pathogenesis-related 10 (PR-10) proteins are small, cytosolic proteins with a similar threedimensional structure. Crystal structures for several PR-10 homologs have similar overall folding patterns, with an unusually large internal cavity that is a binding site for biologically important molecules. Although structural information on PR-10 proteins is substantial, understanding of their biological function remains limited. Here, we showed that one of the PgPR-10 homologs, PgPR-10.3, shares binding properties with flavonoids, kinetin, emodin, deoxycholic acid, and ginsenoside Re (1 of the steroid glycosides).

Gene expression patterns of PgPR-10.3 were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. The threedimensional structure of PgPR-10 proteins was visualized by homology modeling, and docking to retrieve biologically active molecules was performed using AutoDock4 program.

Transcript levels of PgPR-10.3 expressed in leaves, stems, and roots of 3-wk-old ginseng plantlets were on average 86-fold lower than those of PgPR-10.2. In mature 2-yr-old ginseng plants, the mRNA of PgPR-10.3 is restricted to leaves. Ginsenoside Re production is especially prominent in leaves of Panax ginseng Meyer, and the binding property of PgPR-10.3 with ginsenoside Re suggests that this protein has an important role in the control of secondary metabolism.

Although ginseng PR-10.3 gene is expressed in all organs of 3-wk-old plantlets, its expression is restricted to leaves in mature 2-yr-old ginseng plants. The putative binding property of PgPR-10.3 with Re is intriguing. Further verification of binding affinity with other biologically important molecules in the large hydrophobic cavity of PgPR-10.3 may provide an insight into the biological features of PR-10 proteins.