“ Special Crop Science Lab ”


Expression and functional characterization of pathogenesis-related protein family 10 gene, PgPR10-2, from Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer.

페이지 정보

Authors. Pulla RK*, Lee OR*, In JK, Kim YJ, Senthil K, Yang DC. (2010).Journal. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 73:323-329 (*Co-firstauthor)


A full-length sequence (PgPR10-2) of the most abundant transcript from 14-year-old ginseng EST library was isolated and cloned. PgPR10-2 gene encodes 465 bp open reading frame and its deduced protein contains 155 amino acids. Genomic DNA sequence reveals it contains two exons interrupted by one intron. Expression of PgPR10-2 gene was especially abundant in roots and its transcripts showed differentially upregulated patterns against several given pathogens and abiotic stimuli. Observed enhanced ribonuclease activity and antifungal activity from tobacco transgenic lines suggest that the possible involvement of PgPR10-2 in defense-related mechanism via ribonuclease activity against biotic and abiotic stresses.